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Ostroleka 1807 and 1831

We could see and be convinced of 2001 in Poland, that and presently it is possible to make impossible.
Under the initiative of employees of a provincial Museum of Culture Kurpiovski Barbara Kalinovska and at support of the director of a museum of Maria Samuel the female collective has decided to make an event for town of Ostroleka. In 2001 it was executed 170 years from the date of the battle at Ostroleka. In anniversary year planned to lead so popular now in Europe a historical reconstruction of such battle.
Women could interest local authorities and for short time find sponsors, be written off and invite groups of reconstruction of the different countries that for thousand spectators and visitors of town to lead a fine event - a reconstruction of the battle at Ostroleka, and for the first time fight passed in streets of town.
On event attend Minister of Defence of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski, a many representatives of embassies and another oficial persons.
Organizers planned to spend such event one time in five years, but after success in 2001, they have decided to make his event annual.
In 2002 of event passed on two glades near from Bem's fort and the quantity of participants was much more, than one year ago. Reconstruction in Poland year by year become traditional and popular, getting more and more new supporters. The amount of Polish regiments grows with each year.

Igor Graholski
E-mail: granb@balticom.lv

Ostroleka 2001.
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